5 IT Outsourcing Myths Debunked

The business world is increasingly depending on Tech. SME’s are observing a growth in their demand for IT Support; and IT Managers are overwhelmed with the need for resources, tools and time. Yet many are still reluctant to the thought of outsourcing their IT daily tasks.
The reason behind this hesitation is the myths and misconceptions that are accompanying the concept of outsourcing IT Support. So, we decided to debunk some of the most popular myths and explain them!
First, what is IT Outsourcing?
Also known as subcontracting, outsourcing is the use of external providers and seeking additional resources to deliver and handle all or part of the IT of a company.
IT Outsourcing could include outsourcing support for the entire infrastructure or partially outsourcing elements such as Proactive IT management (Windows updates, Antivirus and Backup Management), and IT projects which could be labor intensive or require specialized skill sets.
It enables companies to use more resources, free up their team to focus on core projects and experience minimal downtime as IT is now handled by a group of dedicated professionals who contractually offer a guarantee in the form of SLA’s against all services offered.
So, let’s analyze the most popular misconceptions!
Myth 1: Only bigger companies outsource
Most outsourcing companies offer flexible and scalable solutions, so, irrespective of your company’s size and budget, you can avail the best service according to your needs.
SMEs can enjoy cost reduction on their IT through outsourcing and it helps them focus on their growth and development rather than worry about the everyday IT problems.
Myth 2: Outsourcing exposes companies to Security and Privacy issues
Respecting client’s privacy and working on improving and maximizing security is one the main objectives of any IT Support provider, be it in-house or outsourced.
The key to a successful business relationship relies on trust and is of course stipulated and covered by legal documentation and contracts. Any breach or breach attempt will cause outsourcing companies’ big losses as their reputation and business will be highly impacted.
Companies should not worry as long as they put their IT assets in the hands of registered and official companies.
Myth 3: Business Owners & IT Managers will lose control and visibility over their assets:
This is an important thing to look at when selecting your IT Provider. New technologies and up-to-date Managed IT Solutions now give business owners and IT Managers access to tools and platforms with a real-time view of what is happening.
Myth 4: IT Managers / IT Departments will lose their jobs:
This is one of the most popular myths, as teams are afraid of losing their jobs. But when used properly outsourcing saves IT teams the hassle of constantly monitoring the infrastructure’s health and wasting time interfering into every little detail like a change of workstation, changing a printer’s ink, or a frozen screen etc. By outsourcing these daily and time costing tasks to a third party, they will be available to tackle bigger strategic issues and projects without the constant interruptions.
Myth 5: Outsourcing will cause a conflict of interest
The purpose of outsourcing is not to give total control to a third party, but rather to work together towards a bigger final objective: ensuring zero technical downtime while accomplishing and working on strategic projects. The outsourcing company is here to provide assistance and recommendations through their expertise, not to take decisions on behalf of the company.
We have rounded up the most common myths about IT outsourcing, but unfortunately, they are not limited to these 5! The popularity of these misconceptions on IT Outsourcing proves how important it is to properly conduct your research when looking for an IT Business Partner.
Do not hesitate to drop us a line here or call us on 8007475, if you would like to know more! We always stand ready to answer your questions and give any advice you might need.
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