Turn your 2018 resolutions into a lifestyle with these amazing tools!

January 16th is here. The first 2 weeks of the new year have passed and as the days keep running, so do our resolutions. Yes, our resolutions. You know the ones we make every December 31st? The ones we promise to keep? Remember how you said, this year is THE YEAR, this year I will maintain them, this year I will be more organized, I will be healthier, more active and I will read more… But let’s be realistic, resolutions are made to be broken, sometimes what we really need comes in the form of a lifestyle change.
Lucky for us, with all the new online services being launched, we have tools to help us make and keep these lifestyle changes. We at Geeks have rounded up some amazing apps and websites that can support our lifestyle changing initiatives. From now on, no more excuses to keep us from exercising, breaking bad habits or even finally learning that new language we’ve been promising ourselves we would.
no.1: Save more
This year you have decided to save, but let’s face it, this would require a lot of lifestyle changes you don’t want to make. Well, guess what?! You can keep your lifestyle going with the help of quite a few apps like Groupon and The Entertainer. You can still book a table at your favorite restaurant or go for some outdoor activities, through these apps that will offer you great discounts and deals.
You can also keep an eye on your Bills and avoid extra fees by paying on time through the Dubai Now app, which will allow you to pay your Salik, Dewa, Empower, Du, Traffic fines and much more.
no.2: Make time for what is important
The time you allocate to do household chores could be used to meet your loved ones or for relaxation and self-development. Stop missing out on these precious moments by letting other people – and by people we mean apps – do the job for you.
Let’s start with the oh so feared and never-ending housework! These time-consuming chores are now history with apps like ServiceMarket where you can book a cleaner to help you clean up the mess the holidays left your house in, or handyman services to finally fix that lamp bulb you’ve been procrastinating. Give your laundry and ironing to Washmen, who will collect and drop them back right at your doorstep. Reduce grocery shopping time, by surfing on apps like InstaShop or El Grocer who will deliver your items to your home. Ordering food through apps like Zomato, Talabat or Deliveroo will take care of your daily menu.
And last but not least, you can forget about the hassle of looking for someone you could trust with all your tech issues (whether it is a broken laptop, a nanny cam to be set up or even an IT issue that has been affecting your work). Just book an appointment with Geeks.ae and a certified Geek will be on his way to help with whatever you need, mostly in under 20 minutes and at the comfort of your own home or office.
no.3: Be productive
There are several apps can help you achieve this! Here are a few:
You can use your free time to learn new languages with apps like Duolingo, or to go out and socialize with people who share your interests and hobbies through apps like Meetup.
You may not like this suggestion, but social media apps are the most time consuming and are responsible for most lacks in productivity. To counter that you can download apps like Offtime that will lock all the apps you need a break from for an amount of time you set and thus help (force?) you to step away from your phone.
no.4: Be healthy
Ah, the most popular resolution, the one almost every adult makes & breaks every single year: become healthier, get active and lose weight. Use the classic health and fitness app My Fitness Pal to monitor your calories intake, keep a food diary and an exercise log. To stay healthy and active you can use apps like GuavaPass and ClassDive and enjoy promotions and free passes to your nearest and favorite gym and fitness classes.
Making resolutions at the beginning of the year is now a yearly habit we love making, but don’t enjoy keeping. Hopefully, with the multitude of apps and technologies available, we will be able to keep up, with time, with our goals. Let’s own 2018!!