Mobile Device Management: A Powerful Business Solution

If you provide your employees with work phones then you should definitely be reading this!
Today’s workforce is becoming more and more mobile, and with this growing demand for flexibility and trend of virtual offices, data protection and high-level security are now at the forefront of every company’s needs.
We have previously talked about the measures business owners and employers should deploy and implement to ensure their data is protected and secured (Are Your Remote Employees Putting You At Risk?)
But what about Smartphones? Mobiles have invaded enterprises and are becoming real brainteasers in terms of IT security with the many mobile brands, types and different operating systems that IT Managers have to deal with. And what if the device is stolen or lost?
This is exactly why Mobile Device Management is growing in popularity!
So, what is MDM?
MDM is a software that allows IT Administrators to control, manage and secure smartphones and tablets. It addresses data and application management and allows companies to enforce policies and maintain high levels of IT control across devices.
It is often part of Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) forming a complete security solution with tools like Mobile Application Management.
What does it exactly do?
MDM is a centralized management platform that allows IT Managers to gain control over this – otherwise very difficult to manage – part of their IT Assets. In a single MDM product, you can find many or all of the following features and tools:
- Management and Support of Mobile Applications:
- Mobile Policy Management
- Mobile Application Management (blocking or authorizing certain application, etc.)
- Inventory Management (Software and Hardware inventory)
- Security Management:
- Privacy and data protection of files, emails, and documents saved on mobiles
- Patch updates and management for mobile devices with access to the company’s data
- Remote Data Wipe
- Remote Lock
You will know who has which phone, control application downloads and usage and most importantly be able to wipe out the data as soon as you feel that it could be compromised (stolen phone, an employee leaving the company etc.).
There are many new ways for businesses and employees to leverage the smartphones and tablets technology for their businesses and it is important for companies to find the balance between using this to increase productivity while mitigating the risks it entails.
Let us know if you need more info on this type of solutions, our Geeks are always happy and ready to share their knowledge and help!